UK leaves EU. Scotland and Northern Ireland determined to stay



Regardless a very high turn-out (72%), this historic EU-referendum leaves the UK utterly divided, at the point of breaking.  A UK majority wants to leave the EU. Scotland (62%) and Northern Ireland (55,7%) clearly chose for remaining in the EU, Wales (52,5%) and England (53,3%) for leaving the EU. There is no doubt that this vote will be key to the future of Europe.

With a majority of 51,9%, the UK campaigners to leave the EU have won the referendum. EFA president François ALFONSI takes note of this overall result but he takes note as well of the fact that Scotland has voted massively (62%) to stay in the European Union. “The wish of the English people must be respected but the Scottish determination to stay as well. More than ever we support the Scottish people on its path to be independent.”

EFA also supports the wish of the Northern Ireland majority to stay in the EU and sees this as an opportunity for a historic Irish re-unification if the citizens so wish.

Europe for us keeps its historic legitimacy, but it should be the Europe of peoples, regions and states.

Let’s build up #AnotherEurope, in line also with the many young people in the UK who voted to remain, to give hope to new generations that European Peace and Prosperity can continue to be guaranteed with European governance with more respect for the European diversity.

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